Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Paranormal Activity!

This past Friday, I saw Paranormal Activity.
Just a quick note, up until this movie, I have yet to be thoroughly afraid of any kind of horror film. Well, at least scared enough to not be able to sleep and keep my light on, and sleep with pretty much every stuffed animal I own. However, this movie was great, and don't forget frightening and exhilarating.

I have heard many mixed reviews on this film, some people believe that it is fake, and not real at all. But on the other hand, you have other viewers who literally believe in ghosts and paranormal activity and genuinely fear and believe in ghosts and spirits.

In my opinion, if there was anything in this film that I found humorous was Mika the boyfriend and one of the two main characters in the film. His ignorance of the undead and his tempting of the demonic presence really amuses me, because any sane person, in this circumstance would never ever tempt or antagonize this being. Although it was an attempt at comic relief that succeeded in my opinion.

I really want to talk about what happened in this movie, but I don't want to give it away to those who haven't seen. But in my advanced horror movie opinion I would give this movie 5 stars for scaring the life out of me, and leaving me still wanting more.

Go see it!
Check out the link below to watch the trailer!


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